Five factors impact your organization’s level of readiness. Review each below. Consider your organization and each of the 5 factors. How well is your organization doing in each of these areas?
Materials & Resources – Consider your budget, space for activities, the technology you have at your disposal, equipment or materials you need to deliver programs, and communication vehicles you use to spread your messages.
Support – Identify those that support health & wellness. Think about both leaders and influential people within employee ranks. Consider how health is supported among co-workers, and any stigma around particular health topics (i.e. mental health or substance abuse).
Proactive Climate – How well does your organization prepare for and/or attempt to avoid high risk health problems, critical incidents, or safety problems? Does your organization do a good job with primary prevention (e.g. substance abuse prevention, sexual harassment awareness)? Or are strategies implemented after these incidents occur?
Adaptability – Consider, historically, how well the organization, leadership, and the employees deal with new ideas, concepts, policies, and programs. Is change faced with a positive attitude or met with resistance?
Transfer of Training – What training strategies do you currently have to ensure that new policies and procedures, new healthy habits, are supported following any health activity (e.g. health events, programs, contests)? Do the work environment, company leadership, workload, and employee benefits contribute to the culture of health you are trying to create?
You can find out what stage of change your organization is at, along with which of the 5 factors you should be focusing on by upgrading and completing the Prevention Readiness Survey. Customized feedback from survey results will allow you to create a strategy that you can start today! Upgrade even further and add a consultation with a PrevCoach™ for a more in-depth look at your organization’s readiness.